The perennial question: What is New Orleans, exactly? It is hard to put into words. It is best experienced to be known. New Orleans is a kaleidoscope of color and sound, flavor and scent, sense and sensibility.

New Orleans is a city where good memories get made every day. Sit on a bench. Sit in a café. Walk. Follow your nose. Grow where you are planted. If you are bored in New Orleans, you have a hole in your heart. Happiness loves company. New Orleans is calling you.
Visit New Orleans. It is a charmed place like no place else. When I say New Orleans is magical, I mean it. Stay in New Orleans too long and you might go native. You will be unable to live anywhere else. I know because it happened to me. It happens to a lot of people. Will it happen to you?
In 1960, New Orleans population peaked at 630,000. Right now, twenty years post-Katrina, the population is 380,000. There is plenty of room to grow. There is plenty of happiness to share. What are you waiting for?
I am sitting around the corner of La Belle Esplanade as I write this. I am in one of the neighborhood coffeehouses that surround our address. The neighbors are out. This, my friends, is serene city living. Treat yourself to some New Orleans magic today. Get away from your worries and spend some time in The City That Care Forgot.
When you are in New Orleans, make your headquarters La Belle Esplanade. We are close to all the tourist things you will want to see, but it is nestled in the heart of the real city–the part of the city that makes people who live in New Orleans never want to leave.

We are looking forward to sharing our part of New Orleans with you. If you have any questions: [email protected]