Five Unique Suites
Five Unique Suites.
We Offer Unique Accommodations for an Authentic New Orleans Experience
New Orleans is a magical city. You deserve an authentic New Orleans experience. You belong here. La Belle is the orange house in the middle. You can’t miss it. Your Uber driver will know it.

We only have five suites. All of them are bigger than a New York City apartment. A lot of San Francisco apartments, too. Each suite includes a private bath with a clawfoot tub, equipped with a shower, a bedroom (naturally) and a private sitting room. Every suite also includes a private balcony. We are a non-smoking establishment but smoking is permitted on the balconies and in the back gardens with the chickens.
Every room is a different color. Every ceiling is a different color. New Orleans is a city of stories and every room in La Belle is full of whimsical artifacts and stories to accompany them. There is tourist New Orleans and, then, there is an authentic New Orleans experience. La Belle Esplanade is the real deal. Make your own adventure.
As a small hotel in a colorful mansion, we have all the amenities you should expect. We are a very small operation. We are usually around but you will not usually be here. You will be out and about exploring what it means to fall in love with New Orleans.
Perfectly located on beautiful and historic Esplanade Avenue, La Belle Esplanade is the perfect headquarters for authentic New Orleans adventures. Visit New Orleans like you belong here. You do belong here. The best New Orleans memories are made on Esplanade Avenue. Ask anyone.
Explore the details of all five of our suites in the links below but, really, there isn’t a dud in the bunch. With only five suites, and, with La Belle’s reputation, we tend to fill up early during busy times of the year. It turns out a lot of people want to stay at a small New Orleans hotel that respects their intelligence and gives them the freedom to get off the usual tourist treadmill. Thats what we’re here for.
Check out our calendar to see what we have available. There isn’t a dud in the bunch. The best New Orleans memories are made on our street. We live in a fascinating neighborhood. You never know what you’ll find when you turn a corner in New Orleans. You belong here.
Les Fleurs Suite
Les Fleurs Suite is two spacious rooms on the ground floor with an oasis of a porch that fronts Esplanade Avenue behind a private tangle of wild ginger. There are… >>
Les Pêches Suite
New Orleans is the northernmost Caribbean city, not only because of lifestyle and climate, it is because New Orleans is linked to the sea. In New Orleans, if we see… >>
Clio Suite
The last thing left from the 1884 New Orleans World’s Fair is a statue in the park across the street from the Clio Suite. Sit on the balcony and enjoy… >>
Le Pelican Suite
Listen to the sound of New Orleans. This city moves to a rhythm all its own. A stroll down our street leads to jazz. Parades go around our block most… >>
La France Suite
Vive la France! Mispronounce all the street names! This is New Orleans. Everything is done with goodwill and bonhomie, mon ami. Happiness loves company. Make La Belle Esplanade your headquarters. We… >>