Good News for New Orleans
Take a good look at yourself in the mirror. A really good look. Look deep into your eyes. You know you need an infusion of New Orleans spirit. You need some New Orleans in your life. That’s some good news for New Orleans. We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.
Guess what? New Orleans is here for you. You can be as satisfied as this guy:

He looks pretty content with his lot in life. You can be, too. Anything that is probable in New Orleans is possible. I’m not going to insult your intelligence by telling you that it’s not. I see it happen every day.
The city is open. It’s not like last year, or any other time in this old city’s history, but, this, too, shall pass. Even the worst day in New Orleans is better than the best day of fishing. If wishes were fishes, we’d all eat like kings. You don’t every have to be careful what you wish for in New Orleans. It will all turn out A-okay. I see it happen every day.
Que sera, sera. Plus ça change plus c’est la même chose. New Orleans is here for you. So is La Belle Esplanade, ranked the #1 small hotel in New Orleans every months since April 2014.
Sit back, my friend, and I’ll tell you a story.

There is good news everywhere in New Orleans, plenty of it. Somebody should bottle it and sell it around the country, or, heck, around the world. The rest of the world could use a little more New Orleans the same you you need it. Look in the mirror, friend. You need a dose of New Orleans.
Treat yourself right and it will be totally worth it. Get that pep back in your step. I know where you should stay.
Our five-suite artisanal B&B hotel is here for you. We’re open. HERE IS A LINK TO OUR RESERVATIONS PAGE. The only way to make a reservation is through this website. You can always check us out on TripAdvisor, too.
Why aren’t we listed on Expedia, Hotels.com, Orbitz, Booking.com, AirBnB? Because people who stay with us are people who know something important. They know how to find a quality place to stay and cut out the middle man. Are you the kind of person who likes to pay a commission? I’m not either. When you stay at La Belle Esplanade, you’ll have two New Orleans goodwill ambassadors here to help you navigate this wonderful city we call home. We live here. We know more than your friends who came down here for a bachelorette party or a convention. Experience New Orleans like you mean it.
Good memories are made in New Orleans every day. The best New Orleans memories start every morning at La Belle Esplanade. I see it happen every day. Making good New Orleans memories that will last you a lifetime is my business. Good news for New Orleans is good news for you. The city is open and welcoming visitors. La Belle Esplanade is here for you.
Check out the rest of this website. It’s a very interesting blog we have here if you enjoy whimsical flights of New Orleans fancy. La Belle Esplanade also sponsors a sister blog called “A New Orleans State of Mind.” The guy who writes that one really knows the offbeat parts of the city.
When you are ready to visit the authentic New Orleans off the usual tourist radar, you’ll be in for a bona fide experience for the storybooks. La Belle Esplanade is close to the French Quarter and all the tourist must-sees, but we are the heart of the real city, on a beautiful street in a super-interesting neighborhood. Treat yourself right. Be an honorary New Orleanian, not only while you are here, but all year long.