Look Forward to New Orleans
If the future isn’t bright, what’s the point of moving forward? New Orleans is here for you. Pandemic or not, New Orleans will be here for you. A century ago, New Orleans used to be a hotbed of yellow fever and cholera. It takes more than disease to keep a good city down. More than a flood, too. When you look forward to New Orleans, you have hope in your heart.
New Orleans is a city that overcomes tragedy. Remember, 85% of the city flooded when the levees broke during Hurricane Katrina in 2005. In fifteen years, the city is smaller in population but more potent in it’s culture and gratitude for being alive. There is nowhere to go but ever upward. Excelsior! There is no place so nice as New Orleans during good times or during bad. I know. I live here. I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.
When I move from New Orleans, it will be in a pine box. I am dedicated to this wonderful city that we call home. Both the better half La Belle Esplanade’s operation and I agree. We usually do, except when we don’t. This time we agree: we are in this together, through thick and through thin, flush times and lean times, until death parts us from this wonderful city we call home.
We are blessed to be innkeepers in New Orleans. The best part of our day is sharing experiences over breakfast, offering personalized recommendations of where to eat and what to do, and seeing the city through the fresh eyes of our guests every morning. Every day is a good day in New Orleans. I know. I live here. Good memories are made in New Orleans.

A perfect trip to New Orleans is winning the biggest jackpot you can imagine. You can visit Las Vegas but New Orleans is real. New Orleans has the three-century-history to prove it. Walk down any New Orleans street and you’ll stumble through layers of details that took a long time to accrue. Pleasant surprises are around every New Orleans corner, especially in our part of the city.
When you are ready to visit this wonderful city we call home, make La Belle Esplanade the headquarters for your New Orleans adventures. Look forward to visiting New Orleans. It is much better than your friends have told you. They came for business. They spent all their time on Bourbon Street, or, they really ventured out —-THEY WENT TO FRENCHMEN STREET!! You can do better.
The only people who are bored in New Orleans either a.) have a hole in their head, or, b.) spend too much time in the French Quarter. People who choose to make New Orleans their home live their lives off the typical tourist radar. That’s what you should do when you choose to visit New Orleans like you live here. Don’t worry, the French Quarter and Frenchmen Street are only a picturesque stroll from our front door.
There is tourist-y New Orleans and, more importantly, there is the real and authentic New Orleans. The food is better in authentic New Orleans. The music is better. People are friendly and willing to share what they know, they are happy to give you directions and make recommendations on the street. This is what it is like to live here. New Orleans is a community. It is a city but, more accurately, it is a giant small town. You’ll bump into the same people over and over. I ran into “P.D.” today and that’s with this coronavirus quarantine we’re under right now.
Uptown or downtown. We’re all in this together. As Louis Armstrong, himself, said, “It’s a wonderful world.”

Look forward to New Orleans. Be intimate with all the nooks and and hideouts and watering holes that only locals know. Be a New Orleanian while you are here. La Belle Esplanade is the only New Orleans B&B Hotel that refuses to insult your intelligence. We are here to share with you what it means to fall in love with the real New Orleans. It’ll be all around you off the typical tourist radar. I know. I live here. Welcome to our world.
Poke around our website. You have found the right place is you want to visit New Orleans like you mean it. You should follow this blog. It will keep you in a New Orleans state of mind until you get here, and long afterward, too. La Belle Esplanade also sponsors a sister blog that is called, appropriately enough, “A New Orleans State of Mind.” Read that one, too. Sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this screen. Follow La Belle Esplanade on Facebook and on Instagram. Look forward to New Orleans.
We’re here for you. Good memories are made in New Orleans every day. The best New Orleans adventures begin at La Belle Esplanade.