Mountains in New Orleans.
I’m going to come right out and tell you the straight up truth. There aren’t any mountains in New Orleans. We call things mountains in New Orleans but, if you live anywhere else in the world, you’ll think New Orleans is perfectly flat.
New Orleans is pretty flat. The land does go up and down but the inclines and the declines are so gradual that you’ll never notice them.
The highest point in New Orleans is Monkey Hill. It’s in the Audubon zoo.
Of course, if something exists on the uptown side of Canal Street, you know the equal thing has be be found on the downtown side of Canal Street.
The highest point in New Orleans is the hill in the middle of the Couterie Forest in City Park. There is a map of the city on top of that hill. There are mountains in New Orleans but we call them hills.
You’ll climb things in New Orleans but it’s not like a climb up the Matterhorn. It’ll more likely be a trip up the stairs.
New Orleans is a city that is laid out for walking or for bicycling. You won’t find many joggers in New Orleans. The weather is usually too hot or too humid. Ours is a city made for ambling and weaving to and fro from one block to another to discover the next good thing ahead.
The journey is more important than the destination when every destination where you’ll end up is in New Orleans. Climb your own personal mountains in New Orleans. You’ll have a good time, guaranteed.
Who do you know that says they hate New Orleans? Nobody. That’s who.
While there may not be (m)any mountains in New Orleans there are plenty of challenges. How many good memories can you make in one day? That’s the challenge, what separates the men from the boys and the girls from the women. New Orleans has something for everyone. New Orleans is here for you.
Do you know what else is here for you? La Belle Esplanade. Our five-suite personalized hotel is where celebrities choose to stay when they fire their handlers for booking them somewhere else for a kickback or a discount. At La Belle Esplanade, you’ll learn what it means to fall in love with the real New Orleans.
Our B&B hotel is run by two New Orleans goodwill ambassadors. We’re not here to trick you. Tell us what about New Orleans interests you and we will make tailored recommendations for all over the city. There is more to New Orleans than the tourist zones.
What does it mean to be in love with New Orleans? New Orleans is here to nurture your spirit. Trust me. I live here. I see it happen every day.
When you are ready to explore the mountains in New Orleans, don’t get your hopes up. You make a reservation at La Belle Esplanade and we’ll tell you where the highest points in the city are. Guess what? It’s the lakeside levees.
We look forward to meeting you and sharing our part of New Orleans with you.