New Orleans is Sexy
New Orleans is sexy, sure, but not it’s not all titilation all the time. We never see prostitutes on our street. Don’t worry, we run a family-friendly blog here at La Belle Esplanade, even if we don’t accept guests under the age of 13. A prostitute is someone who kisses someone they aren’t married to. We live in a very peaceable neighborhood. Most New Orleans neighborhoods are oases of calm—-just not Bourbon Street or around the Convention Center, the parts where all your friends told you to go to.

New Orleans is not Las Vegas. New Orleans doesn’t need silicone to be sexy. People gamble in New Orleans. They all leave winners. New Orleans is sexy because New Orleans is what it is. New Orleans is very, very, very good.
When was the last time you had a wish come true?
I saw a street side puppet show the other day. It was just another magical New Orleans day.
I walk around New Orleans every day, on errands or aimlessly.
We have visited every neighborhood, strolling about. If you are a visitor to New Orleans, you won’t visit every neighborhood. New Orleans is sexy in all of its parts but you’ll want to hit the highlights if you are only here for a few nights.
Nobody ever says their visit is too long. It is always too short. The longer you are in New Orleans, the more you’ll discover to explore. There is never a dull moment in New Orleans. Stay a full week. Stay two. You won’t be bored.
When you stay at La Belle Esplanade you won’t be staying in Lakeview. You’ll be staying in Tremé. History is everywhere in Tremé.
Tremé is back of town from the French Quarter, lakeside. When we first opened our inn for business (if you are just landing on this website, La Belle Esplanade is a personalized B&B hotel) people told us it would never work—–our address is too far from the French Quarter. It’s a twenty-minute stroll down a beautiful historic street. I said, “I love this neighborhood. This is going to work.”
Well, before COVID-19, so far, so good. No one has been visiting New Orleans since the middle of March this year. Still, New Orleans is sexy, even when no one from out of town is here to see it. New Orleans is sexy. Trust me. I live here. I see it every day. I walk around everywhere, even in places you’ve never heard of. It’s magical.
There are more streets and more neighborhoods, there is more history and more traditions, than you’ll ever be able to absorb in a short visit. Nobody ever says their visit is too long. I always say that 5 nights is the perfect amount of time to get a good taste of New Orleans. Longer is always better. If you find yourself bored in New Orleans, you have a hole in your imagination.
If you want to explore the neighborhoods in the real New Orleans, where people live, I can only recommend that you stay at La Belle Esplanade for as long as you can. As a personalized B&B hotel with only five suites, we give you the attention you deserve, answering your questions and having real conversations.
As innkeepers, we are more than concierges. We are goodwill ambassadors for this wonderful city we call home. We look forward to sharing our part of New Orleans with you. We should have breakfast together.
Good memories are made on our street every day, especially without prostitutes. The best New Orleans memories begin every day at La Belle Esplanade. We’ll be here for you when it is time for you to get your self down here.
With a handshake,
-Matthew King and Melanie Schmitt
You New Orleans goodwill ambassadors at La Belle Esplanade.

You have at least two friends that I know of in New Orleans. Make La Belle Esplanade the headquarters for your New Orleans adventures. Nobody ever says their visit is too long. You won’t, either. Make a reservation today. We only have five suites so we tend to fill up early during busy seasons.