Secrets of New Orleans Innkeeping
A lot of people think La Belle Esplanade knows all the most exemplary secrets of New Orleans innkeeping. We do. We know how to keep it a secret, too. Stay with us for a week and you might still never discover it.
At La Belle Esplanade, we don’t only the secrets of New Orleans innkeeping. We’ve heard the cry of the wild goose, so our heart knows what the wild goose knows. Let’s cue up today’s soundtrack, shall we?
This is the perfect opportunity for me to insert some pictures of the geese in City Park. Silly goose! I don’t have any pictures of the geese who patrol the lagoons at the park at the end of Esplanade Avenue. I do have a snapshot of some geese in flight that I took as they passed over our boutique experience inn.
There is no place like New Orleans. New Orleans oozes serendipity. You never know what you’ll find when you turn a corner, but you do know that it will make you smile. We’re all interconnected in New Orleans. Follow the call of the wild pelican.
Everyone who lives in New Orleans lives here by choice. After the levees failed during Hurricane Katrina, the city was evacuated. The official population was zero. Nobody lived here for a couple of months. Everyone who lives here now made a conscious decision to live in New Orleans. It was either a decision to come back and rebuild, or, as was the case with Frau Schmitt and myself, it was a choice to start off fresh and add our efforts to rebuilding this most magical off all possible cities. Everyone who lives in New Orleans loves New Orleans.
Of course, there aren’t all silly geese in New Orleans, or in City Park. There are also alligators. Watch where you choose to swim:

We live in a very interesting city, and not just because of the geese and the alligators in City Park. Ours isn’t an interesting city because of all the tourists who visit New Orleans, either. New Orleans is interesting because there is a distinctive and particular culture that flourishes in this city. New Orleans is interesting because there is a New Orleans State of Mind.
The New Orleans State of Mind—-catch it!!
If you are interesting in reading about an exhibit in The New Orleans Odditarium, here’s a link to their latest entry. The Odditarium is the makeshift museum that makes its home in our lobby. The Odditarium is open to the public by appointment but the public doesn’t show up very often. That’s fine with me. I’ve got stuff to do. That said, The Odditarium’s collection is always on full display for the guests who choose to stay at La Belle Esplanade. Who says we don’t know the best secrets of New Orleans innkeeping?
The New Orleans Odditarium is an extension of La Belle Esplanade. They are both all about the New Orleans State of Mind. Visit New Orleans like you mean it. Live in New Orleans for as long as you stay. it could be three nights, five nights, a full week or more. Good memories are made on Esplanade Avenue. We are a 20-minute walk to the French Quarter in one direction, and a 20-minute walk to City Park in the other direction. Between, there are all sorts of nationally and local famous restaurants and all sorts of things going on outside the tourist bubble and off the usual tourist radar.
Frau Schmitt, who is the better half of this operation, and I, your humble narrator love this neighborhood we call home. We love this city we call home. Our city is New Orleans. You’ll fall in love with it, too. Come see for yourself.
À votre santé,
La Belle Esplanade
…where every morning starts with a curated breakfast salon of local delicacies and interesting conversation.
Monday, Memorial Day, May 29, 2017: The past two days we’ve gone to Second Line Brewery, which is on the other side of City Park from our inn. If you’re looking to sample some great local beer where it’s brewed on the premises in a part of New Orleans that is hard to find unless you know where you’re going, we know exactly where to send you. New Orleans is full of secrets, including the secrets of New Orleans innkeeping.