The Spirit of Mardi Gras
Something special descends from Heaven every year and lands in New Orleans. It is the spirit of Mardi Gras. It is what makes New Orleans New Orleans. Mardi Gras Day is like every other day of the year in New Orleans, only it is more so. Mardi Gras Day is New Orleans on steroids, pumped up with both testosterone and estrogen, gin, vodka, rum, and lots and lots of beer. That’s in a regular year.
During an irregular year, I think you know the one I’m talking about, The Year Without a Mardi Gras, the spirit of Mardi Gras is alive and well. During an irregular year, when parades are cancelled, Bourbon Street and Frenchmen Streets are closed with checkpoints, and the Claiborne Avenue neutral ground is fenced off, the city is more subdued, but, under the surface, there is plenty of heart and plenty of heat. Even during an irregular year, when Mardi Gras is outlawed, like in a Twilight Zone episode, There are still encouraging flickers of the spirit of Mardi Gras. The spirit of Mardi Gras is. alive and well.
When you have the chance, you should visit New Orleans. If you want to stay in a real neighborhood where the streets aren’t closed with checkpoints to close down Mardi Gras, but people keep the spirit of Mardi Gras alive, year round, you are one the right website. La Belle Esplanade will be here to share our part of New Orleans with you.
Follow La Belle Esplanade on Facebook and instagram. We more-than-once, daily, to help keep you in an authentic New Orleans state of mind.
May the Spirit of Mardi Gras be with you.