Erotic New Orleans
New Orleans is for lovers. Everyone knows that. The most erotic New Orleans isn’t Bourbon Street, the way the sexiest dress isn’t stark naked.
People who love the world’s greatest cities know the world’s most erogenous zones. New Orleans is right smack on top of one of them. There are sensitive spots in New Orleans architecture.
There are a lot of cross-currents in New Orleans. In a Gulf Stream of consciousness, if you listen closely, you’ll hear New Orleans sing its song.

New Orleans isn’t erotic in the usual below-the-waist sense. Love is in the air in New Orleans, like steam off a gumbo pot or a cloud of flies. Love is tender but love can also be cruel when it needs to be. The cruelest New Orleans is, is when it has to say goodbye. Nobody ever says their visit to this magical city is too long, even if they were born and died in New Orleans. Erotic New Orleans is full of sunshine and hope. Any time spent in New Orleans is too short… too short.
The quiet time in bed before you drift off to sleep after a full day spent in New Orleans is post-coital bliss, even if, like a po’ boy, you’ve been fully dressed the whole time. New Orleans has that effect on good people.
Love makes New Orleans go. You belong here. The Bourbon Street New Orleans, the French Quarter New Orleans, the Frenchmen Street New Orleans, the New Orleans you know about—-those New Orleans are famous for good reasons.
When you want to get off the typical tourist treadmill, off the usual tourist radar, into the authentic New Orleans that people who live here call home, you should stay at La Belle Esplanade. You are on the right website.
New Orleans is founded on faith on top of miles and miles of muck and mud. New Orleans is full of puppy love, but New Orleans also has an unstable foundation like a fatal attraction. Everything shifts in New Orleans with a tectonic slowness. New Orleans is a world of its own, a city chockablock with traditions and native culture. This is the New Orleans you should explore, the part that isn’t all concerned about sucking money out of your tourist wallet. Visit New Orleans like you live here. You belong at La Belle Esplanade.
As much as you love New Orleans, the city will love you right back just as much. I know. I live here. We can talk about it over breakfast.
Friday, November 15, 2019: What’s erotic about New Orleans? It’s not just your imagination. It’s right in front of you on Esplanade Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana. La Belle Esplanade has been ranked the #1 place to stay in New Orleans since April 2014. I just figured out our review percentage. 98.4% of our reviews on TripAdvisor are 5-stars. The other thirteen reviews are 4-star. We have been awarded the Travelers’ Choice Award two years in a row: 2018 and 2019. La Belle is one of the .000001% of small hotels in the world who can make that claim.

Follow this blog. Unlike your usual hotel or B&B blog, ours is updated regularly, a couple of times a week to help keep you in a New Orleans state of mind whenever you have a yen to learn what’s going on in our part of the world. When you are ready to Visit New Orleans, you should visit like you belong here because you do belong here. Be a real New Orleanian. Stay at La Belle Esplanade, the small New Orleans hotel that respects your intelligence. Here is a link to our calendar.
You can always follow us on Facebook. We post there 2-3, maybe 4 times a day to keep you in a New Orleans state of mind. And, then, we sponsor another blog that you can follow. Since La Belle Esplanade sponsors that blog, we got to name it. It’s called: A New Orleans State of Mind. Go figure.
We look forward to meeting you and sharing our part of New Orleans with you. New Orleans is not erotic in the way you think—-it’s even better. I know. I live here.