Hot New Orleans August.
July was hot but July is always hot in New Orleans. August is even hotter. It happens every year. Few people visit New Orleans in August. Not only is it hot, it is humid. The humidity makes it worse.
I always think August is the best time to visit. It is my favorite time of the year. Nobody is here. You can have the whole run of the city. There is never a need for reservations. Just walk in. Everyone will be happy to see you.
The price for everything drops due to supply and demand. New Orleans’ economy relies on tourism. We know we live in a special city and we like to show it off, to share it.
Not only is it hot in New Orleans in August, it rains every day. It doesn’t rain all day but it will rain for about 20 minutes, or so, somewhere in the city at any given time. It may not be where you are, but it will be raining somewhere every afternoon, even when the sun is shining.
When Mrs. King and I first considered moving to New Orleans we had never been here. We came for eight days in August.
New Orleans was a totally different city in 2009. The population was half of what it is now. It was four years after Hurricane Katrina. It was hot and humid during that visit, too. We walked everywhere and fell in love with New Orleans. My advice to you: Keep hydrated.
If you want to experience New Orleans on a more local level in a real neighborhood, you should stay in a colorful landmark mansion on a beautiful street.