Mysterious Shoes.
You never know what you’ll find when you turn a corner in New Orleans. Sometimes it is voodoo. Sometimes it is regular magic, the everyday kind. I have had it up to here with the everyday kind. I love where I live. You will, too.

When you are in New Orleans, you will feel love falling free, falling free, falling free, fa-a-a-llng-ng free-ee-ee-eeee-eeeeee. New Orleans is not a disco inferno but there is music everywhere, mostly dixieland and brass band. New Orleans is full of toe-tapping music. Kick up your heels. Feel free. Feel the love. Every day is syncopated.
Why were there three pairs of ladies’ shoes on the corner of Bayou Road and North Rocheblave Street this morning? If you don’t need to know, you don’t need to know. I know. Mrs. Etoile told me about it. Three young ladies were at Club Caribbean, a block away on Bayou Road, and they were going to walk home. They all live in the Fairgrounds Triangle. Mrs. Etoile knows their families. A party bus pulled up and asked the young ladies if they wanted to join the party on the bus. The caveat to join was no shoes allowed.
Mrs. Etoile found the shoes in her bushes so she put them on the corner in case the young ladies show up this morning to find them. If they don’t show up, someone will take them. Finders keepers. They are very stylish shoes with good arch support.
When you spend a day in New Orleans you’ll have stories to tell. Visit like you belong here. Good memories are made on our street every day. When you are ready to visit New Orleans, you are on the right website. We are here for you.
Every day is full of New Orleans magic. Every day is full of fresh surprises. Visit like you live in New Orleans and you will make good memories that will last you the rest of your life. I know. I do it every day. You can, too.