Our Esplanade Ridge Neighborhood
Esplanade Avenue is a street in New Orleans that is a world unto itself. Esplanade Ridge is what we call the neighborhood that runs along Esplanade Avenue, which is a colorful and historic street lined with whimsical gingerbread manor homes. Our Esplanade Ridge neighborhood is is the spine of this part of the city. New Orleans is a city with a lot of backbone.
Welcome to New Orleans. Home is where the heart is. It doesn’t have to be a house as big as La Belle, but, being in a colorful mansion doesn’t hurt.

When you visit New Orleans, you should sample more than the tourist buffet in the French Quarter. We live in a wide and wonderful city where the culture is densely woven and richly textured. Sample the French Quarter and the diversions that is has to offer, but, you should satisfy your more sophisticated appetites in there rest of New Orleans, where people have chosen to do more than visit. We live here. You can learn what it means to fall in love with the real New Orleans.
Wander around our part of New Orleans. Authentic New Orleans can be yours. You belong here.
There are all sorts of things to see in our part of New Orleans. This is where people live and play. This is where New Orleans’ unique culture gets made.

We live in a very interesting neighborhood. You never know what pleasant thing you’ll find when you turn a corner. Our part of New Orleans is full of interesting details:

New Orleans is a kaleidoscope of a city. There is magic everywhere. If you find yourself bored in New Orleans, you must have a hole in your spirit. You must be spending all your time in the French Quarter.
The traffic track is just a ten minute stroll from our house. Maybe you’d like to go to the track:
When you are ready to visit New Orleans like you mean it, you know where you should stay. You are on the right website. Poke around in the menu bar. Read our other blog entries. There are plenty of them.
Follow us on Facebook. We post on Facebook 2, 3, 4 times a day to keep you in a New Orleans state of mind. Read our sister blog which is called, coincidentally, “A New Orleans State of Mind.” You’ll learn about the more whimsical aspects of what it is like to live in this wonderful city we call home.
We love New Orleans. When you stay at La Belle Esplanade, you’ll learn what it means to fall in love with New Orleans, too. We only have five suites so we tend to fill up early.
Here is a link to our calendar.
Make a reservation today to experience New Orleans like you live here. You won’t regret it. Be a New Orleanian. We appeal to the kind of traveler who wants to get off the typical tourist radar. La Belle Esplanade is for you.