The Only Place to Stay in New Orleans
Alright, La Belle Esplanade is not the only place to stay in New Orleans. There are 30,000 hotel rooms in the city. There are 6000 AirBnB options. I read a lot of reviews in my line of work as I size up the competition. When I read reviews about New Orleans B&Bs, I’m struck by the one note the vast majority of these reviews strike: the reviewers say they would never stay anywhere else except that B&B.
Well, there are reviews that say that they WOULD stay anywhere else but that B&B, but I tend to focus on the top end of the market. We’re not competing with the bottom end.
Here’s an example of the kind of place we’re talking about in today’s blog installment:

Look familiar?
La Belle Esplanade is run by two professional innkeepers. We landed in this profession by accident but we love what we do. We thank our lucky stars every day to be goodwill ambassadors for this magical city of New Orleans that we call home. As I write this, you may have heard it’s Mardi Gras, the most important holiday in New Orleans.
A parade rolled in front of our house the other day:
Every day in New Orleans is full of surprises. Every day in New Orleans is a parade. Life is a parade. Welcome to New Orleans.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to be off to participate in another Mardi Gras parade. In New Orleans, you don’t watch a parade—you’re a part of the endlessly unfolding life that makes up this great city. There is only one New Orleans and that’s the way it should be. More than one would give the world a heart attack of joy!
If you’ve got the time and the inclination, visit to New Orleans. If you want to get outside the tourist bubble, I’ve got three words for you: La Belle Esplanade. We live on a beautiful and lively street. See for yourself and get caught up in the moment. Five nights in New Orleans is full of as much rich experience as two weeks spent anywhere else.
À votre santé,
La Belle Esplanade
….where every morning begins with a curated salon of good food and good conversation.
Monday, February 27, 2017 (Lundi Gras this year): The real party starts tomorrow after building up a head of steam since January 6. There is no place else like New Orleans.