Jinxed in New Orleans Again!
My camera is broken. Go figure. I knew it was going to happen. I encountered a piece of voodoo cutlery on the sidewalk yesterday. As soon as I saw it I knew I was jinxed in New Orleans again. If you don’t know what voodoo cutlery is, you need to visit The New Orleans Odditarium. The Oddtitarium is a small, professionally curated museum that houses the world’s largest collection of voodoo cutlery. Only in New Orleans.
One time, about three years ago, maybe four, I had a motor scooter accident. I was totally disfigured. Today, I am as ugly as I ever was. I’ve healed up just fine, thanks. I’ve been jinxed in New Orleans, again.
That’s the way New Orleans has healed up, too, after Hurricane Katrina, now that you’ve asked. New Orleans is a beautiful city if you have the eyes to see it. Strolling down a New Orleans street when the oleander and the trumpet flowers are in bloom is a walk through Eden after the fact. All is good in New Orleans. You never know what good thing you will find when you turn a corner. It may be a banana or it may be a satsuma. Everything is different in New Orleans. Everything is better. Everything is jinxed.
A jinx isn’t necessarily a bad thing. We should welcome tests to our faith. Every day in New Orleans is a good day. You should come visit and see for yourself. New Orleans is a city of pleasant surprises. Robust, vibrant, hearty, vivid, verdant, gold, and violet, faith in New Orleans is well rewarded. Visit New Orleans and make yourself some good memories that will last you the rest of your life.
It is the subject of innumerable deathbed confessions: “My only regret is that I never visited New Orleans.” Don’t let that be you.
You can take snapshots when you’re in New Orleans. Nobody minds. We know we are part of a photogenic city. Nowhere else in the world looks like New Orleans. No other city in the world is like New Orleans. Accept no substitute. Everyday isn’t Mardi Gras in New Orleans but every day leads up to Mardi Gras Day. Every time of year is better than a good day of fishing.
I’ve been jinxed in New Orleans again, and again, and again. I never get tired of it. Everyone I know will say the same thing. A little New Orleans goes a long way but a lot of New Orleans is even better than a little. Nobody can ever get enough of New Orleans. Visit for a week and you’ll only scratch the surface. Live here a decade and you’ll still be discovering new things to explore. It is that kind of city.
I haven’t incurred any injuries recently, knock on wood but I remain jinxed, bewildered, and consistently, happily bemused in New Orleans. I live in New Orleans along with Frau Schmitt, who is the better half of this operation. If want to experience New Orleans like you live here, there authentic, real New Orleans off the usual tourist radar, get out of the French Quarter and off Frenchmen Street. There is a whole city full of charms out here waiting for you.

You have to be jinxed once in New Orleans if you want to be jinxed in New Orleans again. What are you waiting for? Get your good self down here.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019: Stay in a New Orleans state of mind, friends. When you are ready to Visit New Orleans for the first time or the second, for the third or the thirty-third, you know where to stay. You are on the right website. La Belle Esplanade only has five luxury suites, so plan ahead. Our busy seasons fill up early. Here is our reservation calendar.
Good memories are made in New Orleans. The best memories are made on Esplanade Avenue. La Belle Esplanade is the small New Orleans hotel that will respect your intelligence. You belong here.
P.S. If you want to read the original post, of which this is only a simple and heartfelt update, click this link. The link is to a post we published a couple years ago just after your humble narrator had his motor scooter accident.