Needing New Orleans
Some people need more New Orleans in their lives. It’s like a medical condition. Without a dose of New Orleans for at least a week a year, I know a lot of people that become lethargic and don’t want to go on living anymore. I don’t blame them. Needing New Orleans is a hunger than only be satisfied one way. You need to get your good self down here.
La Belle Esplanade, the #1 New Orleans B&B Hotel since April 2014, is here for you. We are here for you and we look forward to sharing with you this wonderful city we call home. When you find yourself needing a New Orleans fix, you don’t need a chain hotel in the French Quarter or in the Central Business District. You need a place you can call home while you are here. Visit New Orleans like you mean it.
We live in a super-interesting neighborhood. New Orleans is a real city, not just an adult-themed Disneyland full of bars and drinking on the street. You can do that anywhere in this wonderful city we call home. What you can’t do in the French Quarter and on the list of usual things tourists are supposed to do, is visit like you live here. You belong in the authentic New Orleans. Trust me. I live here. I know everyone who lives in this part of the city. We’ll all be happy to meet you.
The real New Orleans is where the heart is.

Needing New Orleans is like needing Chapstick. You’ll feel it in your lips.
When you have an itch, you scratch. When you are thirsty, you need a drink. There are times in a person’s life when they need a little New Orleans boost, like a Vitamin B-12 shot.
Spending a week in New Orleans will refresh a flagging spirit and make troubles seem faraway. When you have New Orleans in your heart, you’ll be in love with the world.
I live here. I see it happen every day.
Follow La Belle Esplanade on Facebook and on Instagram. We post something there every day to keep you in a New Orleans state of mind wherever you may happen to find yourself. Close your eyes and think of New Orleans and that will bring a smile to your face. State at La Belle Esplanade and you’ll be smiling the rest of your life when you remember back. Good memories are made in New Orleans every day. The best New Orleans memories begin every morning at La Belle Esplanade, the #1 small hotel in New Orleans. We look forward to meeting you and to sharing our part of the city with you. Visit like you belong.